Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tell Your Friends about PayPerPost

I was telling a college student I am friends with today about PayPerPost. I actually told her about PPP a month or two ago but I guess she didn't understand how great the opportunity was. So I talked to her about and she is all jazzed about blogging now. I told her this is a perfect job for a college student. It's actually a perfect job for a work-at-home mom and as an extra job.
I hope she gets her blogs started. She will have to wait 3 months to get started with PPP so she needs to get started. I tell anyone half interested in making money online that they should start blogging. PPP requires your blog be 3 months old. It doesn't hurt to start paid blogging they at least can make that disision in 3 months. If you wait then in 3 months you'll be wishing you hadn't waist that time away.
Just remember this blog or my Time To Budget blog when your blog is old enough :o) because I can get a $15 referral bonus. My Time To Budget blog will probably be easiest to remember. So repeat this in your head "TimeToBudget.com, TimeToBudget.com, TimeToBudget.com". Time to What? Budget? TimeToBudget.com
You got it now? Good ;o)
Good Luck!


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