Thursday, January 11, 2007

Horse Barns

It's no secret that I am a serious horselover. I have mention my two other horse blogs here before that I think you should check out. I love everything about horses and hope one day when I am debt free we can save enough money to buy a nice barn. I love horse barns and if I could do the whole building a house thing again I might have taken off a few square feet and exchanged it for a barn. Right now all we have are corrals with covers but I guess that is better than nothing.
I had hoped my oldest daughter could have enjoyed barn life with her horse but it's not likely a barn will come within the next 5 years and she may be off to college by then. But there is hope for my baby daughter. She is already in love with the horses and I think we will have to get her involved in riding as soon as we can.

This post was sponsored by BarnCams. Keep an eye on your horses and the people around them.


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