Tuesday, January 02, 2007

SuperMom Life

I just created a new blog that may eventually replace Mona's Blog. I title it SuperMom Life because, well, I am supermom. Actually the whole title is SuperMom Life - the secret identity of a supermom. I hope to make this new blog a great place for all supermoms to relate with eachother. I am excited about it and can't wait to start posting. I have so many projects up in the air right now I just hope it all comes together this year and I can just focus on my new created blogs and let that be my only work. I enjoy blogging and I really enjoy blogging and gettting paid. It's fun and easy.


Blogger John said...

so how much money can you make by blogging? kind of interested...

11:14 AM  
Blogger Mona said...

Hey John,
My Time To Budget blog gives more detailed information about paid blogging. I have made close to $3000 blogging since I started about 6 months ago. I could have made more if I had had more time and more qualified blogs. I really enjoy it and I am getting paid decent money.

12:35 PM  

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