Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Women's Marketing Telesummit 2006

Women's Marketing Telesummit 2006 will be October 18-20th. If you don't already know what this is I will give you a quick description. Women's Marketing Telesummit is great opportunity for any women interested in learning effective methods of for marketing your business. You can learn about what the leading experts have to say about marketing techniques such as podcasting, direct mail, creating multiple passive streams of income and much more. The best part about this is that it is all online so you don't have to leave your home. You will be able to listen to these leading experts discuss topics that are essential in marketing a business. Here is a list of a few more topics they will be discussing over this 3 day telesummit:

Dozens of ways to grow your business without spending a fortune

How to find your perfect clients so that your business thrives for years to come

The no-nonsense scoop on exactly what you need to do to get more customers; we'll give it to you step-by-step and cut through the jargon and information overload

Easy ways to increase your productivity (and profits) - how you can get more done in less time, and make more money

Money for nothing - how to create a number of passive income streams that bring you money while you sleep

How you can enjoy plenty of holidays and free time by creating a more-than-comfortable income

How to build your brand and your bottom line by learning how to write, design and put together a high impact business website

Here are few of the longs list of speakers that will be attending:
Krishna De
Annie Meachem
Carolyn K Edwards

These are only some of the topics to be discussed. If you are just starting a business or thinking of starting one this would be good for you to attend as well. The best thing to do is to visit the Women's Marketing Telesummit yourself to find out more information. Don't wait though the telesummit starts in about a week from now.

I won't be able to attend but let me know if you where able to attend. I would love to hear about it.


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