Thursday, November 30, 2006

Payday Loans - Are they worth it?

I am not a believer in borrowing money at all. So in my opinion payday cash advance loans are a bad idea. We are being taught as a nation that it is ok to live beyond our means. We are being taught that we must have the biggest and the best and if we don't buy now it will be gone. The lastest deal/sale/coupon will expire and we will not be able to get it at that price ever again.
I bought into this way of thinking for most of my life. If fact it was only last year that I was convinced that the life of continous debt was never going to get us anywhere.
Borrowing money will never gain you fanincial freedom and that is what my family is trying to do. I still use sales/deals/coupons but now I use only money I have to buy the things I need.


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