Monday, October 30, 2006

We went to Santa Barbara

We went to Santa Barbara this weekend and it was a blast. My 10 year old son and his Nanotechnology class was invited to a Nano Quest fieldtrip at UC Santa Barbara. They were given a tour of the Nanotech facilities at UCSB and were also able to do some very educational fun activites related to nanotechnology.
While my son was at the fieldtrip my husband, two daughters and I went to the Beach Park right by the school. This was my baby daughters first time at the beach so it was really fun to watch her. At first she loved the water, then it scared her and then she loved it again (with caution). When the waves would come she would say "here it comes!". It was so cute.
I also got some great first beach photos. My favoirte is of course this naked bumms photo. I will be framing this one soon. Because of our limited finances our family has not be able to take a vacation this year. So this was sort of a mini vacation.


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